Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I've been dying to get a tattoo SOMEWHERE on my body, and I figured that right now my best option would be my foot. I was supposed to get one in March but then I got sick and didn't feel like getting it. Plus I have to wear flip flops and no socks for two weeks, and with this damn Michigan weather (apparently mother nature is on crack or on her period or something of that sort), flip-flops everyday isn't the best idea.

In addition, I've put on a little weight thanks to my birth control (the same one that is weakening my esophagus btw) ...and of course everyone tells me oh, you still look good, you can't tell, etc...but when I have a problem getting my size 4 jeans over my fat ass and hips, we have a problem. Throwing myself onto the bed sometimes in the morning to zip my zipper up is not a sexy sight, I'd like to think so.

So the tattoo on my hip bone or the tramp stamp I want right now is really out of the question until my lazy ass gets up and does something about my few pounds of weight gain (I write this as I eat my Oreos and milk...hey don't judge).

So I want three stars on my foot.

No, I don't want this tattoo across my stomach (we did just talk about my weight, remember?). But I am posting this picture to show what kinda star I want. I want the large stas, in the middle. The one that's outlined.

I want 3 from large to small on the right side of my foot. And as everyone asks me, does it signify something? No, I just like stars. And the next person who asks me will get a religious answer... "Stars are a symbol of my religion, hence I am putting them on my foot." I think that answer will please people a little more.

I keep checking to see the forecast, and things don't look GREAT.. Plus, since I can't really go tanning after the tattoo, I need to get my color in (again, don't judge me, I like being dark, what can I say). So I guess mid-may would work. Especially since it's close to my birthday.

Will keep you up to date and pictures to follow!

On the health note, I'm not excited about waking up early for my follo-up appointment to my endoscopy...just saying.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I hate doctors

I try to only take medicine when I need to...and unfortunately, right now I need to.

I went in for an endoscopy last Thursday, and for those who don't know what that is, it's a procedure where the doctor shoves a scope with a camera down your throat into your stomach to see what's going on, and if there is anything to be concerned it.

For me, I was dealing with nausea and heartburn for over a year. Doctors had me on alllll kinda of heartburn medications, you name it I took it. (BTW, did I mention I HATE doctors.)

So back to my endoscopy. They put me under after waiting over an hour with an IV stuck in my hand, causing me to have to pee every 15 minutes. And for the record, I was wearing that stupid hospital gown that's open in the back...some pervert created that, I swear.

I was put under for the procedure. Oh, and might I mention that they gave me valium 4 minutes before the procedure. Four minutes? I was on the verge of tears from nervousness for over and hour, and NOW you give me valium. How does that make sense? Please tell me.

So when I woke up, I did the traditional mumbo jumbo talk that you see in movies and that friends tell you funny stories about (this was the first time I was put under).

My doctor told me that I had bile in my stomach and upper esophagus, gross I know (note: it was not heartburn which doctors thought it was for almost2 years). And the reason it's in my upper esophagus is because my damn birth control, which I have changed a number of times, is weakening my esophagus. What, the, fuck? I don't remember seeing that on the warning!

So I get prescribed giant ass horse pills.

...that I have to take for six weeks. Yes, six weeks, and then will see if I need to take more.

Now, I'm someone who likes to eat throughout the day, so these pills make my life complicated. I have to take it in between meals. So this is my schedule, eat breakfast, wait 2-3 hours, take pill, wait an hour, eat, wait 2-3 hours, take pill, wait an hour, eat, wait 2-3 hours, take pill, and sleep.

Suckie I know.

And for someone who has a bad memory and can't keep track of things, this is a very complicated thing for me.

Anyways, I have a follow-up appointment this Thursday and we shall see what comes out of it. Fun stuff.

Did I mention I hate doctors?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Uncertain Future

So I've been working on a lot of voice stuff recently... mostly commercials for a local radio station here in Detroit. And I actually found something I LOVE doing (this is rare). The thing is, I'm a very hard grader and am never satisfied with my work, although other people tell me I sound wonderful. I'm hoping one of these days I'll be happy with it.... I will post some audio as I go.. if that's possible on this blog site. Is it? lol

The thing is, I don't think I'll be in news forever. It's not something I see myself doing for the rest of my life. First off, I get bored in life wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too easily, bad thing I know. Secondly, it's a sad and depressing world in news. We deal with so many horrible things (see post #1) and I don't think I can deal with that till I die... And third, there's so much politics when it comes to radio stations.

My first thought was fashion school, because I gotta admit, fashion is DEFINITELY something I am into. I find myself judging other people's outfits sometimes and thinking how I can dress that outfit up, and what I can do to make it look better...

But unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow school right now, unless I decide to wake up SUPER early in the morning, which I don't plan on doing any time soon... so that's being pushed off, for now at least. Till I have more time, and of course, more money.

And since I love doing voice over stuff, why not? I mean what's holding me back really... I'm slowly getting better, thanks to the people around me who gave me a chance and believed in me.

We shall see. I'll keep you up to date.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bad News is Always Good News

So, I work for a radio station in Detroit, Michigan. And I've learned that bad news is always good news for us. Sometimes, when there's an accident, my producer asks if anyone was injured, or even better, died. And it's no news when something bad didn't happen to someone....

I've come to the point where I'm numb about things we write about. Rarely does something bad that's happened affect me... Sometimes, we even laugh about things, to ease the situation at hand.....

Today, there was an accident in Canton, where an 18-year-old died after she rear-ended another driver. The 15-year-old girl in the car with the other teen survived with "non life-threatening injuries," as we call it.

I wrote the story as if nothing happened. Just the usual routine, "An 18-year-old Plymouth resident is dead after rear-ending...."... Nothing. It means nothing.... I don't turn this 18-year-old into a person, it's just another character in this world who's gone. My world goes on...

But then on my drive home, I remembered the story.. and imagined myself as the 15-year-old in the car. How everything must have happened so fast...just a boom, your body is in don't feel what just happened. But then you look over to your friend, or your sister, or whoever that 18-year-old girl was, and realize...what just happened. Did he try to shake her awake? Did he even realize she was dead in the seat next to him? Or did he think that maybe she was just knocked out. Then I imagine him at the hospital, being treated for his injuries, when he gets the news... that the girl who was sitting next to him in that car is gone...forever...

That makes me sad. And that's why I don't imagine people as people when I write about them. It's just another story in this world... That way, I don't go home and feel bad for the daughter, the sister, the mother, the aunt, the wife, the girlfriend... that was lost today. And the pain that family is going through. I stay numb.