Work has been kinda stressful. There's a lot of politics mixed into it right now, and someone recently got laid off. And now of course everyone is on edge and watching their back, and even telling on others so they look good. So it kinda sucks... and isn't the same atmosphere as it once was. I don't enjoy it as much.
Recap of this past week:
On a good note, a Top 4o station I work with used my voice for imaging for the first time ever! Yay. It was so exciting to hear myself on the radio...well, in imaging. Before it was all commercials and different spots, but this is different. This could actually possibly maybe bring me some extra money in this future. Money is alllwayyysss a good thing :)
I made one of my favorite Iraqi dishes last night. It's called Timan Bagila, which in Arabic means "Lima bean rice." It's rice, and dill, and lima beans. I ate it with veal. Yum yum. Came out pretty good if I must say so myself.
I went over my friend Shefali's house tonight and she brought me back some awesome stuff from her trip to Hawaii (which she said was awesome... I think it's time for me to go on vacation).
A pretty shelled bracelet :)

A pretty necklace. The white stuff at the bottom are shells.

On another note, my husband's family is coming in this weekend for a wedding Sunday that I REFUSE to go to. Long story short... It's his step father's, brother's, daughter's wedding. So his step cousin. lol. But I can't FREAKING stand her. Her and her family didn't show up at our wedding last year because they thought we said something bad about his step cousin's fiance... which we didn't. But instead of asking us about it, they just didn't show up. They told us they'd come, and then neither side showed up. Which I thought was pretty offensive. We didn't get a call after, an email...a message. NOTHING!
How rude?!!! So me going to their wedding is OUT of the picture. I'm sorry. But karma is a bitch. And just because they're technically family, I'm not going to say anything to them or confront them. And I usually don't hold grudges, but this was just fucked up. So this should be an interesting weekend. I love my husband's mom and sister... she's great. But the rest of the OK, end of my rant.
So to end this blog, very randomly, I had some green tea from Meijer Organics today at work, and let me tell you, they were not joking around when they said "green" tea!!!

That is one GREEN cup o' tea. Hopefully it was also one HEALTHY cup of tea.
Will keep you updated on the in-laws situation.
Have a good night everyone.
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