Sunday, May 2, 2010

My how time flies!

I accidentally ran into an old blog of mine today that I COMPLETELY forgot I had... I read through it while I was at work (yes, I know, bad me!) and so much has changed since then.

I started the blog in my senior year of college, I believe, and kept it going till sometime in 2006. And let me tell you, my how things have changed. Major things that have changed since then:

1) I used to be a teacher. Something I HATED with a passion (props to teachers out there). A job I took out of college because it was there. And something my dad kinda forced me into (a story for later). I am now a journalist

2) I don't live under my father's ruling any more (again, this story is for a later time)

3) My parents got a divorce and I stopped talking to my dad (this is alll part of a future blog)

4) I got married and moved out of my mom's house

I think those are the major things that have happened so far. But I can't believe how much can happen in just four years. It's scary. Makes me wonder what things will be like in four years from now. I hate not knowing what the future will bring. I'm the kinda person who likes to plan things out and know what's ahead. But I guess that's not what life's all about, and I guess things wouldn't be as fun and spontaneous if we were always one step ahead.

So for anyone interested, here is my old blog. I must caution you, it gets very strange at times. And my writing isn't really the best in the world.

On another note, I'm realllyyy excited it's May, because as many know (and I don't let people forget!) it's my birthday month. So here is a quick countdown which I've done for years((if you notice that was the subject of my last blog on my Live Journal) since I was in high school, 22 more days left till I turn 26. Wow, can I say that I'm in my late 20's yet? I guess I'm closer to my mid-20's. Oh well, four more years till 30. Ahhh! Craziness.


  1. I know! It was so big when we were in college. Do you still have yours?

  2. at 26 and even 27 you can still round down to 25...when you're 28, then it gets

  3. Lol, so I can round your age :P haha. Just messing!!
