Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life Gets In the Way of Good Things

I like a lot of things in my life right now, including the friends I've gotten to know over the past years. When I was younger I never thought I'd STILL be making good friends at the age of 26...

But needless to say, no matter how many friends I have now, I still miss the old ones... It's weird how you can lose touch with people who were once soo close to you not long ago. Someone who knew you inside and out... who knew your deepest, darkest secrets... who used to spend every single day with you... And now, you're lucky if you talk to them once a year.

I do still keep in touch with my best friends in New York, but it's not the same. I talk to them quite often, but I miss being in the same room together. We used to say that when the three of us hung out, it didn't matter if the world was falling apart, no one, and nothing, could penetrate our little bubble that we had.

I also miss my college friends, who I still do talk to from time to time, but it's not the same... Life just gets in the way.

I miss one of my friends from my old job. The one who I used to have bon fires with, and slumber parties. Now when I see pictures of her doing those things with other people, it makes me miss those days a whole lot.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love the people I have in my life. And I wish I had time to balance them and others... But like I said, life --my job, marriage, and other things - take priority.

And I'm sure years from now, I will look back on today and miss the people in my life that I have right now. It's strange how life works, isn't it?

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