My mother is Austrian, and my dad is Iraqi. Yes, I know, very strange mix. And not Austria like "kangaroos" Austria. That's Australia folks. "Down Under." This is Austria, next to Germany, near Italy. In Europe. Where Adolf Hitler, sad to say, was born.
I was born in Vienna, Austria. One of the most beautiful cities in the world. I lived there with my mom for almost 4 years, as my dad went to the U.S. to find a better job. Once he did, we moved to Florida. Now at this point, my mom had converted to Islam... She was Roman Catholic.
We moved to New York a little later, and that is where I spent 13 years of my life. Somewhere in between we moved to Philadelphia for 2 years... (my dad was a mover), and came back to New York. I LOVE IT THERE AND MISS IT IMMENSELY.
After I graduated from my Islamic private high school, I went to an all girls college for my freshman year (this was the first time in my life where I learned what pot looked and smelled like, and met my first lesbians). Yes, my friends. I was introduced to the world outside the bubble my dad LIKED to keep me in.
We moved to Michigan after my first year of college. I HATED it. New Michigan. Really? And out of ALL cities in Michigan.. Dearborn!! OH...MY...LORD.. I like to call it Arab-ville. NOt that I have too much against Arabs, I mean they are HALF my people. But really? I felt like I was in the Middle East. lol. And I like diversity.
Went and studied English and Journalism at University of Michigan-Dearborn. Graduated in 2005. Taught English to high school for a year. Hated it because the school director was a SLIME ball and hit on me, even though he was married, and had his daughter in my HIGH SCHOOL CLASS.
Quit that after my first year. WORST EXPERIENCE EVER. A year later, got into a fight with my dad, he disowned me, and we moved out. A few months later I got engaged, and then later married. And here I am... lol. Working at a well-known radio station, and blogging as I drink my yummy slurpee from 7/11. :)

It's blue raspberry. Yum yum.
There... 26 years of my life compressed into a somewhat short blog :)
Now you know a little piece of me :)
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